Read about the latest FysioMeter news, developments and relevant research

Martin Jørgensen
CEO FysioMeter ApS
Sports Physiologist, Ph.D
Senior Scientist at Aalborg University Hospital
13.08.2020 FysioMeter testing AaB Superliga players
In August, the co-founder of FysioMeter, Martin Jørgensen, tested the Danish Superliga football team AaB, with FysioMeter equipment. Along with him was TV2 Nord, who wrote this story.
Ashley Tootle, who is in charge of the daily physical practice of the Superliga players is very thrilled with the collaboration with FysioMeter.
"It is an amazing tool. The FysioMeter test is very preventive in regards to groin and hamstring injuries which are very prevalent in football. And the performance tests give me information on what to work on - should they be stronger, should they be faster. A very useful tool in combination with strength training."